Glucose-triggered germination of Bacillus megaterium spores

Triggering of germination in Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 spores with D-glucose was studied. First, the interaction of glucose with spores for less than 1 min resulted in triggering almost 90% of the spores after the glucose was removed by dilution. Therefore only a brief time is needed for glucose to trigger germination, and then the continuous presence of glucose is not necessary. Detectable uptake of glucose began 2 to 3 min after absorbance loss started, and a non-metabolizable glucose analog, methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside, triggered germination in the absence of detectable uptake. Several inhibitors that reduced or eliminated glucose uptake did not block triggering of germination. Therefore, glucose uptake may be a relatively late event and not a prerequisite for triggering of germination.