Crystal Structure of Type 1 Ribonuclease H from Hyperthermophilic ArchaeonSulfolobus tokodaii: Role of Arginine 118 and C-Terminal Anchoring,

The crystal structure of ribonuclease HI from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii (Sto-RNase HI) was determined at 1.6 Å resolution. Sto-RNase HI exhibits not only RNase H activity but also double-stranded RNA-dependent ribonuclease (dsRNase) activity. The main-chain fold and steric configurations of the four acidic active-site residues of Sto-RNase HI are very similar to those of other type 1 RNases H. However, Arg118 of Sto-RNase HI is located at the position in which His124 of E. coli RNase HI, His539 of HIV-1 RNase H, and Glu188 of Bacillus halodurans RNase H are located. The mutation of this residue to Ala considerably reduced both the RNase H and dsRNase activities without seriously affecting substrate binding, suggesting that Arg118 is involved in catalytic function. This residue may promote product release by perturbing the coordination of the metal ion A as proposed for Glu188 of B. halodurans RNase H. In addition, the extreme C-terminal region of Sto-RNase HI is anchored to its core region by one disulfide bond and several hydrogen bonds. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements indicated that Sto-RNase HI is a hyperstable protein with a melting temperature of 102 °C. The mutations of the cysteine residues forming disulfide bond or elimination of the extreme C-terminal region greatly destabilized the protein, indicating that anchoring of the C-terminal tail is responsible for hyperstabilization of Sto-RNase HI.