rbcL Transcript Levels in Tobacco Plastids Are Independent of Light: Reduced Dark Transcription Rate Is Compensated by Increased mRNA Stability

The plastid rbcL gene, encoding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, in higher plants is transcribed from a σ70 promoter by the eubacterial-type RNA polymerase. To identify regulatory elements outside of the rbcL −10/−35 promoter core, we constructed transplastomic tobacco plants with uidA reporter genes expressed from rbcL promoter derivatives. Promoter activity was characterized by measuring steady state levels of uidA mRNA on RNA gel blots and by measuring promoter strength in run-on transcription assays. We report here that the rbcL core promoter is sufficient to obtain wild-type rates of transcription. Furthermore, the rates of transcription were up to 10-fold higher in light-grown leaves than in dark-adapted plants. Although the rates of transcription were lower in the dark, rbcL mRNA accumulated to similar levels in light-grown and dark-adapted leaves. Accumulation of uidA mRNA from most rbcL promoter deletion derivatives directly reflected the relative rates of transcription: high in the light-grown and low in the dark-adapted leaves. However, uidA mRNA accumulated to high levels in a light-independent fashion as long as a segment encoding a stem–loop structure in the 5′ untranslated region was included in the promoter construct. This finding indicates that lower rates of rbcL transcription in the dark are compensated by increased mRNA stability.