The Dartmoor granite: its mineralogy, structure, and petrology

This paper continues the study of the constituent minerals of the Dartmoor granite. The district to which it mainly refers comprises the for-area around Widecombe and a part of the aureole adjoining. No detailed reference will be made at this stage to aureole phenomena. The results to be recorded necessitate a brief description of the two main granite types and of their field relationships. Abundant varieties and modifications of both types occur, but for the Purposes of the present paper they are of subordinate importance. Most of the for-masses and high-level exposures of granite in the area consist in the main of the type known locally as the ‘giant granite‘ — a very coarse-grained, strongly porphyritic roelc rich in biotite, and consistently garnetiferous; it has an index-figure 1 ranging from 7.5 to 12.