The Development and Implementation of a Cognitive-Based Intervention Aimed at Culturally Diverse Women at Risk for HIV/AIDS

The development and implementation of a culturally and gender sensitive, cognitive behavioral-intervention program aimed at preventing high-risk sexual and drug-use behaviors among culturally diverse women at risk for HIV/AIDS is described. The intervention stressed education, cultural/social barriers to change, and assertiveness/negotiation skill building. Methodological problems and their solutions are presented. The article stresses ways to recruit poor at-risk women, how to reduce attrition using incentives such as providing transportation, having food and child care at the intervention sessions, financial rewards, and a tracking system that includes many friends and family members of the participant. Preliminary findings indicated that the intervention was successful in promoting knowledge about HIV/AIDS. At the end of the six-week intervention protocol, the intervention group compared to the control group showed significant improvements in HIV/AIDS knowledge items dealing with clinical aspects of the disease, transmission knowledge, and partner risk knowledge. Knowledge, along with motivation to reduce risk and negotiation skills are essential in changing behaviors that put one at risk.