SUMMARY: In four sheep with an autotransplanted ovary, cyclic oestrous behaviour was abolished due to the persistence of a corpus luteum in the transplant. Fluid recovered from the uterus was viscous, odourless and sterile, and was present in amounts of 10 to 1900 ml. Uterine fluid contained prostaglandin F2α, the total amount recovered ranging from 150 ng to 7·6 mg (15–4000 ng/ml). The identity of prostaglandin F2α was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. No prostaglandins of the E series were found. Biopsy specimens of the uterine wall showed that the uterine and glandular epithelium comprised tall, columnar cells typical of the luteal phase of the normal cycle. The uterine glands were considerably distended and stromal oedema was appreciable. These findings are discussed in the context of the hypothesis that the uterine luteolytic factor (luteolysin) is prostaglandin F2α.