Gamma-Gamma Angular-Correlation Study ofTm169in Lutetium Iron Garnet

The attenuation and rotation of the integral angular correlation of the 72(177keV)72(131keV)32γγcascade in Tm169 following electron capture of Yb169 was measured in dilute solutions of Yb169 in polycrystalline samples of lutetium iron garnet at room temperature and at liquid-nitrogen temperature with and without applied magnetic field. The same measurements were also performed on the 72(198keV)52(110keV)32 γγcascade at liquid-nitrogen temperature. From these experiments the magnetic hyperfine field acting at the nuclei of the Tm3+ ions, the electronic relaxation time at the Tm3+ ions, and the ratio of the g factors of the 72+ and 52+ spin states in Tm169 could be deduced. At room temperature the time-averaged magnetic hyperfine field in the direction of the magnetizing field Hintz was 206 kOe and agreed within 10% with that calculated from molecular-field theory using the free-ion model with an exchange field of 196 kOe and neglecting inner-core exchange-polarization effects. The value of Hintz at liquid-nitrogen temperature averaged over all sites was 523 kOe. Neglecting quadrupole effects, the electronic relaxation time of the Tm3+ electrons was estimated to be 3.8×1013 sec at room temperature and 1.8×1012 sec at liquid-nitrogen temperature, consistent with an inverse dependence of the relaxation time on the absolute temperature. The ratio of the g factors was determined to be g72g52=1.28±0.12.