Specific properties of the electrical activity of the auditory system were studied in unanesthetized curarized cats. The electrical activity of the auditory system changed independently from the other neocortical areas and paleo- and archicortices. A tone stimulus of adequate intensity produced localized activation in the auditory area. Low voltage fast activity in the auditory area occurred following high frequency electrical stimulation of the medial geniculate body. The spontaneous spindle bursts of the auditory area were frequently accompanied by spindle bursts in the ipsilateral medial geniculate body. In the spindle stage of EEG, the spindle bursts were induced by click both in the auditory area and medial geniculate body. The pattern of the induced spindle bursts was similar to that of the spontaneous spindle bursts. Spindle bursts in the auditory area induced by single shock stimulation of the ipsilateral medial geniculate body, and conversely, spindle bursts in the medial geniculate body induced by single shock stimulation of the auditory area were observed. The induced spindle bursts in the auditory area and the spindle bursts in the sensori- motor cortex induced by single shock stimulation of the caudate nucleus did not interfere with each other. The spindle-like discharges in the midbrain reticular formation sometimes occurred together with spontaneous spindle bursts in the auditory area and medial geniculate body.

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