The unfolding story of T cell receptor γ

Antigen-specific, major histocompatibility complex-restricted recognition by classical T cells is mediated by a T cell receptor (TCR) consisting of a disulfide-linked alpha beta heterodimer. During the search for the genes encoding the alpha and beta proteins, a third immunoglobulin-like gene, termed gamma, was uncovered. Like the TCR alpha and beta genes, the TCR gamma gene consists of variable and constant segments that rearrange during T cell development in the thymus. Although the physiological role of TCR gamma remains an enigma, much has been learned with the recent identification of the protein products of this gene family in both mice and humans. The gamma chain is associated with a partner chain, termed delta. The gamma delta heterodimer is associated with an invariant T3 complex, very similar to that associated with the alpha beta heterodimer, and appears predominantly, if not exclusively, on cells with a CD4-, CD8- phenotype both in the thymus and in the periphery. TCR gamma delta is the first ...