Identification and Quantification of Poly(oxyethylene) Alkyl Ether Nonionic Surfactants in River Water at Trace Levels by Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry

Field desorption mass spectrometry (FDMS) was applied to the identification and quantification of poly(oxyethylene) alkyl ethers in natural waters at trace levels. The FD mass spectrum of poly(oxyethylene) (POE) derivatives, which produce (M+H)+, (M+cation)+, and cluster ions of the type (M1+M2+H)+, was mainly affected by emitter current, amount of sample loading, and the presence of metal salts. POE alkyl ethers were extracted from water by means of XAD-4 resin adsorption or solvent extraction under nitrogen bubbling, and determined by FDMS using tetradeuterioocta(oxyethylene) dodecyl ether as an internal standard. Sample sizes from 10−6 to 10−8 g are suitable for the quantification of POE alkyl ethers. The mole ratio of POE methyl-substituted undecyl ethers to POE dodecyl ethers was estimated by comparison with the FD mass spectra of the HPLC fractions of the extract.