La faune de rongeurs du Pléistocene supérieur de la grotte de Caldeirao (Tomar, Portugal).

The Caldeirao cave (140 km NE of Lisbon) near the Serra da Estrela which has preserved Last Glacial deposits, and has yielded an Upper Pleistocene sequence with two rodent layers. Respectively dated between 30000-18000 BP (layer K-Fa) and 16000-10000 BP (layer Eb) the microfaunas contain the following: Apodemus sylvaticus, Eliomys quercinus, Allocricetus bursae, Microtus arvalis and agrestis, Microtus (Iberomys) brecciensis brecciensis-cabrerae, Chionomys nivalis, M. (Terricola) duodecimcostatus and lusitanicus, Arvicola cf. sapidus and Castor fiber. The rodents succession suggest that, from bottom to the top, open and dry steppe landscapes with some forest zones gave way to more wet and forest conditions which, after a phase of erosion, were followed by a climate of mediterranean character. Allocricetus bursae, discovered in Portugal for the first time (layers K, H or Fc), demonstrates the extension of eurasiatic steppes into the Iberian peninsula during the Rochebertier phase between 30000 and 18000 BP.

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