Studies on hemoglobin variants in Korean cattle

814 hemoglobin samples from Korean cattle were investigated by starch gel electrophoresis for the detection of hemoglobin variants. A new variant of cattle hemoglobin, called Hb, H, was recognized. It has a slower rate of migration than Hb A. Hemoglobin types from 814 Korean cattle were as follows: 652 of Hb AA type (80.1%), 133 of Hb AB (16.4%), 12 of Hb AC (1.5%), 9 of Hb BB (1.1%), 2 of Hb BC (0.2%), 4 of Hb AH (O.5%), 1 of Hb CH (0.1%), 1 of Hb HH (O.1%). These figures correspond to the frequencies: HbA = 0.893, HbB = 0.093, HbC = 0.009, HbH = 0.004.