Liver Tryptophan Pyrrolase Activity in Fed and Starved Female Rabbits.

Summary Liver tryptophan pyrrolase activity is elevated from normal values of 0.59 μmoles/g/hour to 3 μmoles/g/hour in female rabbits subjected to starvation. An increase of LTP occurs within 18 hours following deprivation of food, decreases at 3 days and increases again between 7 and 11 days of starvation. In fed rabbits, intraperi-toneal injections of 1.0 g 1-tryptophan/kilo-gram body weight induces LTP activities of 10 μmoles/g/hour but in rabbits previously starved for 36 hours or 7 days, a similar injection induces twice as much LTP as in fed animals. Liver tryptophan pyrrolase activity of starved rabbits returns to normal values within 2 days following refeeding.