ESR Study of MnO42− in γ-Irradiated KMnO4

When KMnO4 is γ irradiated at 77°K a single paramagnetic species is detected which is shown to be basically the manganate ion, Mn(VI)O42− , however, the single odd electron interacts at the same time with a second manganese nucleus of a neighboring diamagnetic species. Although the species giving rise to the weaker, superhyperfine 55Mn interaction could not be identified with certainty, it is probably a neighboring MnO4 ion or MnO3+ lattice defect so that the center produced might be written [Mn(VI)O42−··· Mn(VII)On7−2n] . The g tensor and both 55Mn hyperfine splitting tensors have been obtained, and the structure of the radical is discussed. On warming to room temperature a radical not containing manganese, probably O3 , is found.

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