Product yields for the photofission ofU235with 12-, 15-, 20-, 30-, and 70-MeV bremsstrahlung

The mass distributions for the photofission of U235 using bremsstrahlung with end-point energy of 12, 15, 20, 30, and 70 MeV were determined by γ spectrometry of fission product catcher foils. Smoothly varying curves without fine structure were obtained. A third hump in the symmetric region is not present. Several fractional independent chain yields in the mass region 126-140 were measured and the corresponding most probable charges Zp(Ee) were deduced. A comparison with the charge expected from the unchanged charge density hypothesis is made and an influence of the 50-proton shell on the behavior of the Zp function is observed. Except in this mass region the determined Zp(Ee) values are very well described by the empirical relation of Nethaway. From the isomeric ratios of Sbg126Sbm126, Sbg128Sbm128, and Teg131Tem131 average initial fragment spins are calculated using a statistical model analysis. The values increase with increasing end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung.