Detection of the Urethral Incompetence in Women using the Fluid-Bridge Test

A new test for detecting urethral incompetence during coughing was used in the investigation of women with urinary incontinence. The test detects fluid descending into the urethra and the result is positive if a fluid-bridge is established between the bladder and a test point in the urethra. The test point selected was 0.5 cm from the urethrovesical junction. Incontinent patients (67) and 23 women with normal urinary control were studied. Of the 67 incontinent women, 39 had a positive fluid-bridge test compared with only 1 of the women in the control group. The difference between the test results in the 2 groups was highly significant (P < 0.001). In the incontinent patients a diagnosis was made after cystometry was performed and after the urethral closure pressure profile had been measured. In 46 (69%) of these 67 patients there was agreement between the diagnosis made following these urodynamic investigations and the one made from the new test. The advantages and shortcomings of the new method are compared with other stress tests in current use.