Under-storey Nutrient Content in an Age Sequence of Douglas-fir Stands

The nutrient concentrations and contents of the under-storey species were estimated for a series of Pacific North-west Douglas-fir [ Pseudotsuga menxiessii (Mirb.) Franco] stands ranging in age from 9 to 95 years. Analyses were carried out for ash, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Na and significant differences in nutrient concentrations were found to exist between species; species rejecting certain nutrients and accumulating others. General trends for mean concentrations of some nutrients are associated with stand maturity in that ash, K and Mg decline, P and Mn increase and N and Ca reaches a peak at 20–30 years and then declines. The nutrient contents (kg ha −1 ) of the under-storey component of the stands are presented and trends discussed.