Rocketborne cryogenic (10 K) high-resolution interferometer spectrometer flight HIRIS: auroral and atmospheric IR emission spectra

A Michelson interferometer spectrometer cooled to 10° by liquid helium was flown into an IBC class III aurora on 1 April 1976 from Poker Flat, Alas. The sensor, HIRIS, covered the spectral range 455–2500 wave numbers (4–22 μm) with a spectral resolution of 1.8 cm−1 and an NESR of 5 × 10−12 W/cm2 scrm−1 at 1000 cm−1. An atmospheric emission spectrum was obtained every 0.7 sec over an altitude range of 70–125 km. Atmospheric spectra were obtained of CO2(ν3), NO(Δν = 1), O3(ν3) and CO2(ν2). Auroral produced excitations were observed for each band, this being the first known measurement of auroral enhancements of O3(ν3), 9.6 μm, and CO2(ν2). 15 μm, emissions.