Effects of different husbandry systems on milk production of purebred and crossbred sheep

The effects of different husbandry systems on production characters of 616 purebred and crossbred sheep are reported. The Cyprus Fat-tailed (L), Chios (C) and Awassi (A) breeds were evaluated under intensive, semi-intensive and extensive production systems. The performance of crossbred (C × L, A × L and A × C) Cyprus Fat-tailed and Awassi sheep was compared under extensive husbandry conditions. Ewes on the intensive systems produced more milk, fat and protein (P<0·01), but with somewhat lower fat and protein content than those on the extensive or semi-intensive systems. Chios and Awassi ewes were superior to Cyprus Fat-tailed ewes in nearly all traits (P<0·1), but inferior in terms of fat and protein content (P<0·1). Awassi × Chios crossbreds outyielded both purebred and crossbred sheep in terms of milk, fat and protein yield (P<0·1). Lactation number had a significant effect on milk traits. Maximum milk production was obtained at fourth lactation.