A specific gene expression program triggered by Gram-positive bacteria in the cytosol

Innate and adaptive immunity depends critically on host recognition of pathogen-associated molecules. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are key mediators of pathogen surveillance at the cell or phagocytic vacuole surface. However, mechanisms underlying recognition of pathogens in other cellular compartments remain unclear, and responses elicited by cytosolic challenge are poorly characterized. We therefore used mouse cDNA microarrays to investigate gene expression triggered by infection of bone marrow-derived macrophages with cytosol- and vacuole-localized Listeria monocytogenes (Lm), a model cytosolic pathogen. The resulting gene expression program included two basic categories of induced genes: an "early/persistent" cluster consistent with NF-kappaB-dependent responses downstream of TLRs, and a subsequent "late response" cluster largely composed of IFN-responsive genes (IRGs). The early/persistent cluster was observed upon infection with WT, heat-killed, or mutant Lm lacking listeriolysin O, the pore-forming hemolysin that promotes escape from phagocytic vacuoles. However, the IRG cluster depended on entry of WT Lm into the cytosol. Infection with listeriolysin O-expressing, cytosolic Bacillus subtilis (Bs) strikingly recapitulated the expression profile associated with WT Lm, including IRG induction. IRG up-regulation was associated with MyD88-independent induction of IFN-beta transcription and activity. Whereas Staphylococcus aureus (Sa) lipoteichoic acid treatment confirmed that many late-response genes could also be stimulated through TLRs, our study identified a cytosol-specific transcriptional program independent of TLR signaling through MyD88. Further characterization of cytosolic surveillance pathway(s) and their points of convergence with TLR- and IFN-dependent pathways will enhance our understanding of the means by which mammals detect and respond to pathogens.