Report on workshop on small-diffusivity dynamos and dynamical systems

In recent years there has been rapidly growing interest in deterministic dynamo action: to what extent can non-random conducting flows sustain magnetic fields, and efficiently so, at the high magnetic Reynolds numbers which are common in the natural environment? For a dynamo to be relevant to astrophysical applications, it can be crucial that it be “fast” in the sense of Vainshtein and Zeldovich (1972): the exponential growth rate of the magnetic field should remain positive and bounded away from zero as the magnetic Reynolds number tends to infinity. Research in this area involves a mixture of advanced numerical simulations and analytical work which touches on delicate issues in the theory of dynamical systems. A workshop was held in the Observatoire de Nice, where recent advances, controversies and the possibilities for future collaboration were discussed in an informal atmosphere, reflected in this report. Note that to make the report more readable, references are not given for papers presented at the workshop itself.

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