Sexual issues and condom use among injecting drug users

Recent surveys of injecting drug users reveal that their injecting behaviours have changed in the light of HIV but their sexual behaviours have not and, in particular, they remain reluctant to use condom to reduce the risks of sexual transmission. In an attempt to explore this issue further the present study assessed the behaviours and attitudes of injecting drug users to sexual issues, including condom use. Condom use was low. Obstacles to their use included for some a desire to conceive, for many a belief in their infertility, a perceived invulnerability to HIV infection through their sexual behavior patterns, a dislike of condoms and difficulty in negotiating condom use with partners. The lifestyle of drug users may also have an influence on condom use. Many drug users funded their habit through illegal activities including prostitution, theft and fraud The association between these and other factors and condom use are explored.