Summary 1) BSVS and BRVR mice received an i.p. injection of pertussis vaccine followed 4 and 11 days later by an intra-cutaneous injection of lyophilized testicle in Freund's adjuvant with or without acid fast bacteria. BSVS mice treated with BSVS testicle developed orchitis, regardless of whether the adjuvant contained acid-fast bacteria or not. BSVS mice treated with BRVR testicle or BRVR mice treated with BRVR testicle failed to develop disease. 2) Development of orchitis was accompanied by a statistically significant rise of RES activity as measured by the carbon clearance test of Halpern et al(5). A slower and smaller rise of activity occurred in all those animals which failed to develop orchitis. The smallest rise in activity, by comparison, was observed in BRVR mice treated with BRVR testicle. The group which developed orchitis differed significantly from those 2 which did not, only during the second half of the experiment. 3) A similar response of the RES was noted after administration of antigen in Freund's adjuvant without mycobacteria. 4) It is suggested that the injected antigen undergoes a modification in the RES, the extent of which determines whether disease develops or not.