Qualitative analyses were made from whole‐body cuticular extracts of Scapteriscus abbreviatus, Scapteriscus acletus, Scapteriscus vicinus, and Neocurtilla hexadactyla by isothermal and temperature‐programmed gas chromatography. Adults of both sexes and nymphs of each species were collected in Florida. The chromatographic profiles of peaks were distinct and easily recognizable for each species, regardless of sex or developmental stage. Distinct sexual differences were found in S. acletus and S. abbreviatus. Specimens of S. abbreviatus from Puerto Rico and S. vicinus from Bolivia produced gas chromatography (GC) traces very similar to those of conspecifics collected in Florida. Evidence is presented to illustrate the potential importance of volatile cuticular lipid analysis as a tool for mole cricket identification. Cuticular extracts of an undescribed short‐winged species of Scapteriscus from Bolivia were also examined and produced GC traces unlike those of any other species analyzed to date.