Operator product expansion sum rules for heavy flavor transitions and the determination of ‖Vcb

We derive a model-independent upper bound for the axial-vector form factor of the BD* transition at zero recoil, FBD*. The form factor turns out to be noticeably less than unity. The deviation FBD* from unity is larger than previously anticipated. Using our estimate we extract ‖Vcb‖ from the measured exclusive rate of BD*lν extrapolated to the point of zero recoil. The central ‘‘exclusive’’ value of ‖Vcb‖ is in agreement with the value obtained from the inclusive semileptonic width Γ(BXclν). We argue that the theoretical uncertainty in determining ‖Vcb‖ from the total inclusive width is significantly reduced if a constraint on the quark mass difference mb-mc stemming from the heavy quark expansion is taken into account.