Theoretical calculation of two-photon absorption cross sections in atomic oxygen

Two-photon absorption cross sections for transitions from the O(3P) ground electronic state to the 3p 3P, 4p 3P, and the autoionizing O+(2D)3p’ and O+(2P)3p’’ states have been calculated by explicit evaluation of the perturbation-theory summation using matrix elements calculated from configuration-interaction wave functions and sum rules to correct for truncation. The role of different contributions in the summation has been analyzed. For the 3p 3P state, a cross section of JJ σ0(2)(J’←J) of (1.319±0.2)×1035 cm4 has been obtained, which is in excellent agreement with the experimental value for the quantity JJ σ0(2)(J’←2)G(2) =(2.66±0.80)×1035 cm4, given in the companion paper, if the photon statistical factor, G(2), is evaluated in the chaotic field limit (G(2)=2).