Use of Psoralen Monoadducts to Compare The Structure of 16S rRNA in Active and Inactive 30S Ribosomal Subunits

E. coli 30S ribosomes in the inactive conformation were irradiated at 390 nm in the presence of 4′ -aminomethyl-4,5′,8-trimethylpsoralen (AMT). This produces monoadducts in which AMT is attached to only one strand of an RNA duplex region. After unbound AMT was removed, some ribosomes were activated and then subjected to 360 nm irradiation; others were reirradiated without activation. Electron microscopic examination of 16S rRNA extracted from these two samples showed covalent rRNA loops indicative of rRNA crosslinks. The general pattern of loops closely matched that seen previously after direct psoralen crosslinking of 30S particles. However, the frequency of occurrence of one major class of loops formed by crosslinks between residues near position 500 and the 3′ end was substantially lower for the activated samples, implying that the structure of the 16S rRNA in active and inactive 30S particles is different.