SUMMARYDuring researches on the ultrastructure of Fungi the author shows that many lomasomes are present in the hyphae of Agaricus campester Fr. var. bisporus carpophores: however these organelles are not found in Manocha's micrographies of Agaricus campester. The writer can also demonstrate a previously uncharacterized complex of double membranes. It is often located near the hyphal wall, the septa and the cross-wall, rarely in the middle of the hypha. The membranes complex is frequently adjacent and closely related to vesicles and lomasomes.Some hypotheses are proposed on the ontogeny and physiological significance of the described organelles. The author suggests that lomasomes and double membranes complex are closely related in their distribution and ontogeny. Nevertheless it is not possible, at present, to establish a scheme for the behaviour and the relationships of lomasomes and membranes complex. The physiological significance of these organelles is also, at present, unknown: the author suggests th...