Endothelin-1 stimulates the release of arachidonic acid and prostaglandins in rabbit iris sphincter smooth muscle: Activation of phospholipase A2

We have investigated the effects of endothelin-1 (ET1) on phospholipid hydrolysis and 3H-arachidonic acid (AA) release and prostaglandin synthesis in the rabbit iris sphincter smooth muscle. ET1 actions are concentration- and time dependent with an EC50 for AA release of 1 nM and ti value of 1.5 min. We have identified the AA metabolites released by ET1, employing HPLC, as both cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase products. The AA released by ET1 appears to derive mainly from the phosphoinositides through phospholipase A2, rather than phospholipase C activation. A key role for phospholipase A2 in AA release in the sphincter muscle is supported by the following observations. (1) Pretreatment of the labeled sphincter with the phorbol ester, PDBu (100 nM) inhibited ET1-stimulated IP3 formation, but it potentiated ET1-stimulated AA release. (2) Pretreatment of the labeled tissue with isoproterenol (5 M) inhibited ETl-stimulated IP3 production without altering AA release. (3) The potency for ET1-stimulated AA release (EC50=1 nM) was much higher than that for IP3 formation (EC50=45 nM). (4) There were considerable increases, rather than decreases, in 1, 2-diacyl-glycerol formation (1.2-folds) and its phosphorylated product, phosphatidic acid (2.6-folds) by ET1. It is concluded that in the rabbit iris sphincter ET1 is a potent agonist for AA release and eicosanoid synthesis and that AA is released from phosphoinositides mainly through activation of phospholipase A2.

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