Nuclear charge radii of the Te isotopes from muonic atoms

The muonic atom energies of the 2p-1s and the 3d-2p transitions were measured with a statistical accuracy of better than ±70 and ±40 eV, respectively, for Te123,124,125,126,128,130. The values for the Barrett equivalent nuclear radii Rk,α and for the root-mean-square radii and their differences were calculated first from muonic data alone and second with the addition of published optical data. The latter data provided the radii of Te120 and Te122 isotopes, which were not measured by muonic x rays. A combined analysis of the muonic atom and optical isotope shift data yielded high-precision values of the differences in radii ΔRk,α (error <±0.5 am) and Δ〈r2 1/2 (error <±0.9 am) between the neighboring isotopes. The optical constants for the Te line λ=4049 Å were determined (including contributions of higher radial moments) to be F=(509±120) mK/fm2 and M=-(104±63)×103 mK. Systematic behavior of the radius differences in neighboring isotopes and isotones of Ba, Xe, Te, and Sn, together with odd-even staggering of the Te isotopes, are discussed in this paper. The ΔN=2 Te isotope shifts between even-A nuclei decrease nearly linearly with increasing N, which can be explained by a successive decreasing deformation in accordance with the observed systematics. The experimental data for the Te isotopes proved to be in good agreement with even-A Hartree-Fock calculations and with recent Hartree-Fock calculations for odd-A nuclei in which three-body forces are considered. A linear decrease of the nuclear skin thickness with decreasing deformation was observed and is explained by a simple model.