The avian nucleus of the solitary tract has an extensive subnuclear organization. Several subnuclear cell groups can be distinguished on the basis of cytoarchitectonic criteria. In general, the subnuclei of the medial division of the nucleus of the solitary tract receive gastrointestinal afferents, whereas the subnuclei of the lateral division of the nucleus of the solitary tract receive cardiopulmonary afferents. Forebrain afferents to the nucleus of the solitary tract are segregated to medial and lateral subnuclei, which are located at the periphery of the nucleus. These peripheral subnuclei of the nucleus of the solitary tract are also the source of ascending axonal projections to the forebrain. In this study, the tyrosine hydroxylase (initial enzyme for catecholamine synthesis) content of the anteromedial hypothalamic projecting neurons of the nucleus of the solitary tract is determined by use of a combined retrograde fluorescent dye‐immunofluorescence method. Fast Blue implanted into the anteromedial hypothalamus (in the region of the nucleus periventricularis magnocellularis) resulted in the retrograde labeling of neurons in the caudal two‐thirds of the nucleus of the solitary tract. At levels rostral to the obex, dye‐labeled cells were mostly observed in the dorsally located subnuclei medialis superficialis pars posterior and lateralis dorsalis pars posterior and in the ventrally located subnucleus medialis ventralis pars posterior. More centrally located subnuclei contained few labeled cells, if any. For example, subnucleus medialis intermedius pars posterior only had a few retrogradely labeled cells, whereas the centrally located subnucleus medialis dorsalis pars posterior was almost devoid of labeled cells. At levels caudal to the obex, many retrogradely labeled neurons of the nucleus of the solitary tract were observed. Neurons immunoreactively labeled for tyrosine hydroxylase were mostly found within subnuclei, which contain anteromedial hypothalamic projection neurons. In subnuclei medialis superficialis pars posterior and lateralis dorsalis pars posterior, 87% of the retrogradely dye‐labeled cells were also immunoreactively labeled, whereas in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (at levels caudal to the obex), 68% of the retrogradely labeled cells were immunoreactively labeled. Not all tyrosine hydroxylase containing cells had projections to the implantation site in the anteromedial hypothalamus since only 40% of the immunoreactive cells in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract and 59% of the immunoreactive cells in the subnucleus medialis superficialis pars posterior were retrogradely labeled with Fast Blue. No double‐labeled neurons were found in the taenia choroidea (comparable in part to the mammalian area postrema) and the nucleus lateralis superficialis of the taenia choroidea, although many TH immunoreactive cells were observed. This study further underscores the complex subnuclear organization of the avian nucleus of the solitary tract as exemplified by the segregation of hypothalamic projecting neurons, which are mostly chemically coded for catecholamines.