Theory of anisotropic hybridization-broadened magnetic response in cerium and actinide systems

Inelastic-neutron-scattering measurements on cerium and plutonium monopnictides, thought to have moderately delocalized f electrons, yield magnetic-excitation spectra with anisotropic dispersion; while reasonably sharp excitations have been observed only for USb and UTe among presumably more-delocalized uranium monopnictides and monochalcogenides. For UTe the broadening as well as the dispersion is quite anisotropic. We have now extended our previous theory for the magnetic behavior of hybridizing partially delocalized f-electron systems to include hybridization-induced relaxation effects in the magnetic response, and this work and results are reported in the present paper. Each partially delocalized f-electron ion is coupled by hybridization to the band sea; and this both leads to a hybridization-mediated anisotropic two-ion interaction giving magnetic ordering and also gives a damping mechanism, via the coupling to the band sea, for the excitations of the magnetically ordered lattice. This coupling also provides a strong renormalization of the magnetic-excitation energies obtained for the ionic lattice coupled by the two-ion interaction. To treat these effects on the magnetic response we have developed a formalism for calculating the dynamic susceptibility based on the projection-operator method developed by Mori and others. We have applied our model and theory to the behavior of CeSb, CeBi, PuSb, UP, UAs, and UTe; and excellent overall agreement with the wide range of unusual experimentally observed anisotropic magnetic-excitation behavior is obtained.