Self-broadened absorption linewidths for the krypton resonance transitions

The total absorption, AG, was measured as a function of absorbing gas pressure, P, for the 1S03P1 (1236 Å) and 1S01P1 (1165 Å) resonance transitions in Kr. For P=0.006–0.06 torr, self-broadening was negligible compared to the natural width. For P=0.06–0.75 torr, self-broadening contributed significantly to the linewidth, and the line shape was essentially symmetrical. For P = 1.0–7.0 torr, the. asymmetric Van der Waals broadening was apparent. The component of the linewidth due to self-broadening, ΓSB, was calculated from the measurements of AG, for P=0.06–0.75 torr, and was found to vary linearly with the number density of absorbers, N, as predicted by theory. The ratio, ΓSB/N, was found to be in reasonably good agreement with theoretical predictions.

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