Clonal Identification of Trisomies 3, 5 and X in Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy with Dysproteinemia by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization

Trisomies 3, 5 and X in six Japanese patients with AILD were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Trisomies 3 and X were detected using centromeric probes. Cosmid probes locating on 5q31.1, the commonly deleted region, was used to detect trisomy 5. FISH detected three patients with trisomy 3 alone, one with trisomy 5 alone and one with all the three trisomies analysed. The sample that showed all three aberrations was further analysed by dual color FISH. The three trisomies were present on different cells. The AILD cells with trisomy 5 tended to replicate slowly, whereas those with trisomy 3 seem to have a proliferative advantage. An increase in the histopathological stage was reflected in the increase in the percentage of trisomy 3 cells in one patient.