Bladder Stone Disease in Children in Afghanistan

Of 132 children with bladder stones seen in 1 year, 94% were boys and 73% were aged between 1 and 5 years. Significant malnutrition and evidence of vitamin deficiency were absent. Wheat bread was the dietary staple, while the intake of milk and dairy products, eggs and meats was very low. Analysis of 29 stones showed them to consist mainly of calcium oxalate and uric acid, with small amounts of calcium phosphate and magnesium ammonium phosphate in some cases. The composition of the surface and central parts of the stones, examined in 20 cases, was usually different. The nucleus was formed almost entirely of calcium oxalate and uric acid in four and three cases respectively, whereas the surface layers were composed of other ingredients. In another case the nucleus was composed entirely of xanthine, which indicated a diagnosis of xanthinuria.

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