The 5 archaeologic sites referred to-Tule Springs, Lewisville, Santa Rosa, Scripps, and Texas Street[long dash]have certain characteristics in common. All of the sites for which radiocarbon dates have been obtained have shown evidence of great age; stone artifacts are of rare occurrence and in some sites no stone artifacts of any kind have been obtained; no projectile points have been found at any of the sites except Lewisville, where one point found is believed to be intrusive. It is not claimed that there are no projectile points of Pleistocene age. On the contrary, some projectile points, particularly Clovis fluted points, on the basis of stratigraphic position and faunal association, as at Blackwater, New Mexico, date back to late Pleistocene. Moreover, it is not improbable that there are some projectile points older than Clovis. A considerable number of sites, mostly in the western part of North America, are referable to Group II. Of these, two only are considered at this time[long dash]Manix Lake Lithic Industry, Manix Lake, California, and the Elongate-biface Artifact Assemblage as found in the Laguna Seca Chapala Basin site in the Baja California basin, Mexico. The artifacts found at the highest strand lines in the Chapala Basin site, the Elongate-biface Assemblage as defined by Arnold, are referred to Group II on the basis of their close resemblance to the artifacts of the Manix Lake Lithic Industry.

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