A Simple Skills Device for Research on Learning and Memory

The writers believe the DT to be but one of a family of research tools to be developed in the slide-chart category. The ¼ × 7 × 8½-in. silhouette permits easy stacking of 60 DTs in a standard 2-suiter suitcase and E can perform some of his research outside of his own laboratory thereby finding more Ss and solving the “no show problem.” The economy of the DT permits its use as a throw-away item, with quick replacement of damaged devices preferred in place of costly repairs. The simplicity of the DT, in addition to its economy, permits the user to construct one of his own based upon the description provided herein. Dial Trainers similar to the one described here will be made available at a nominal price to those who may wish to buy them. Otherwise, the reader may wish to adapt the one described here to fit his own need.

This publication has 4 references indexed in Scilit: