Generation of unidirectionally propagating action potentials using a monopolar electrode cuff

Unidirectionally propagating action potentials, which can be used to implement transmission failure on peripheral nerve through “collision block,” have been generated electrically on cat myelinated peripheral nerve using a monopolar electrode cuff with the conductor positioned closest to the “arrest” end of the cuff. A single cathode located at least 5 mm from the arrest end resulted in unidirectional propagation with minimal current and charge injection. The range of stimulus current values that produced unidirectional propagation increased with increases in longitudinal asymmetry of cathode placement over the range of asymmetries tested (1.7: 1 to 7: 1). The stimulus current pulse that minimized charge injection was quasitrapezoidal in shape with a plateau pulse width of approximately 350 μsec and an exponential trailing phase having a fall time (90%-10%) of approximately 600 μsec. These parameters were found to be independent of cuff geometry. Arrest efficiency was not degraded using a cuff of sufficient internal diameter to prevent nerve compression in chronic implantation. The critical current density within the extracellular space of the electrode cuff required to produce conduction failure at the arrest end was estimated to be 0.47±0.08 mA/mm2.