Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of clear cell sarcoma of the kidney

Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK) is a rare malignant pediatric tumor, distinguished from the Wilms tumor by its characteristic histologic features and a more aggressive clinical behavior with a tendency to metastasize to bone. Genetic studies on CCSK are limited and no consistent findings have been reported. We examined four cases of CCSK for presence of consistent genetic alterations using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). This is the first report concerning CGH analysis of CCSK. Three of the tumors showed no chromosome gains or losses. One of the tumors had gains of 1 q and the terminal end of 11 q. These results are consistent with previous findings of limited chromosomal changes in CCSK karyotypes. Gain of 1 q in CCSK warrants further investigation. Copy number gains of 1 q have been repeatedly demonstrated in soft tissue and bone sarcomas, as well as other tumors, implying the presence of genes involved in tumor development and/or progression.