Further Investigation of the Effects of Subliminal Aggressive Stimulation on the Ego Functioning of Schizophrenics.

This was a study of the effects of subliminally presented aggressive stimuli on the ego functioning of schizophrenics. 40 hospitalized male Ss were seen for an experimental and control session in a balanced design. Measures of pathological thinking, accuracy of recall, and projection of aggression were obtained after the subliminal presentation of aggression-related and neutral stimuli. In response to the experimental condition both paranoid and nonparanoid patients produced significantly more pathological thinking; only the paranoids reacted with a significant increase in projection of aggression, and only the nonparanoids manifested a significant impairment in accuracy of recall. This data was seen as offering further support for the view that the disturbing effects of drive stimulation can be studied through the subliminal presentation of drive-related stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)

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