Fluctuation of endogenous cytokinin contents in rice during its life cycle. Quantification of cytokinins by selected ion monitoring using deuterium-labelled internal standards.

The change in the levels of endogenous cytokinins in the shoot and grain of rice (Oryza sativa L. japonica cultivar Nihonbare) during its growth and development was followed by selected ion monitoring using deuterium-labelled internal standards. Five cytokinins, zeatin (Z), cis-Z, ribosylzeatin (RZ), cis-RZ and 6-(3-metliyl-but-2-enylamino)purine riboside were detected in the shoot, root and ear of rice. The maximum contents of RZ and Z in the shoot and root were found at the maximum tillering stage. In the ear, the levels of Z and RZ changed markedly. It is therefore suspected that RZ and Z play some roles in the tillering and seed growth in rice.

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