Quality of Pacific Coast Dogfish During Frozen Storage

Pacific coast dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) were skinned, frozen, glazed, and stored at −5, −10, −20, and −30 C to determine the extent of oxidative rancidity, colour change, protein denaturation, and lipid hydrolysis during storage. Belly flaps from dogfish carcasses were tested under similar conditions. Discoloration of the red outer muscle of carcasses was the initial significant change in quality. Initial odour and flavour changes in defrosted carcasses were detected after 22 and 70 days storage at −10 and −20 C respectively; no significant changes were evident in carcasses after 180 days storage at −30 C. Slight fading of the pink colour of belly flaps was observed after storage for 50 days at −20 C and for 160 days at −30 C. A slight acidic type flavour was detected in belly flaps after 99 days storage at −20 C.There was a slight relationship between the extent of protein denaturation and lipid hydrolysis in dogfish muscle during frozen storage.

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