Plant Growth Retardants as Inhibitors of Sterol Biosynthesis in Tobacco Seedlings

Three plant-growth retardants 2′-isopropy1-4′-(trimethylammonium chloride)-5-methylphenylpiperidine carboxylate (Amo 1618), β-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride, and tributyl-2, 4-dichlorobenzylphosphonium chloride were tested for their effects on sterol production in, and growth of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) seedlings. As the concentration of each retardant increased, there was an increased inhibition of the incorporation of dl-2-14C-mevalonic acid into sterol (particularly desmethylsterol) fractions and an increased retardation of stem growth. Growth retardation was observed with both single and repeated retardant treatments, and with Amo 1618, in particular, a close quantitative relationship between inhibition of sterol biosynthesis and stem growth was obtained. Gibberellic acid completely overcame retardant effects and application of sterols also restored normal growth. It is concluded that the concept of causality in the relationship between growth retardation and gibberellin biosynthesis is probably premature, since growth retardants have a more general inhibitory action on isoprenoid biosynthesis in plants.