The percentage of ovules developing into seeds (seed-ovule ratios, S/O ratios) is about 85% in annuals but only approximately 50% in perennials.In both annuals and perennials, these typical S/O ratios occur regardless of the kind of breeding system, although many annuals are normally self-pollinating whereas perennials are virtually all cross-pollinating. The mean number of seeds maturing within individual fruits is defined as brood size, and is correlated with different modes of dispersal and strategies of ovule packging. Annuals also have significantly higher brood sizes (21.7) than perennials (<9.9). Among perennials, woody plants have both lower S/O ratios (32.7%) and brood sizes (3.3) than herbaceous perennials (57.2%, 13.5). S/O ratios appear to be largely determined genetically, whereas resource limitations are perhaps more critical in terms of regulating flower production. Among perennials, increased exposure to predators and pathogens is suggested as the best explanation for theevolution of breeding systems favoring genetic recombination. The maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, however, inevitably increases the frequency of lethal and sub-lethal allelic combinations (and perhaps mutations?), that appear to be responsible for the lower S/O ratios in perennials.