New bioactive, degradable composite microspheres as tissue engineering substrates

Novel bioactive, degradable polymer/glass/ceramic composite microspheres were developed using a solid-in-oil-in-water (s/o/w) emulsion solvent removal method. Modified bioactive glass (MBG) powders were encapsulated into the polylactic acid (PLA) matrix. Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses revealed that the MBG powders were mostly embedded in the polymer matrix, and submicron-size pores were present at the surface. Immersion in simulated physiological fluid (SPF) was used to evaluate the surface reactivity of the microspheres. The polymeric surface was fully transformed into carbonated calcium hydroxyapatite (c-HA) after 3 weeks of immersion. In contrast, PLA microspheres showed no evidence of any calcium phosphate deposition. Ion concentration analyses revealed a decrease in Ca and P concentrations and an increase in Si concentration in the SPF immersed with composite microspheres during the 3-week period. The Ca and P uptake rates decreased after 2 days of incubation. This coincided with the decrease of the Si release rate. These data lend support to the suggestion that the Si released from the MBG powders present in the polymer matrix is involved in the formation of the Ca-P layer. Our results support the concept that these new bioactive, degradable composite microspheres may serve as microcarriers for synthesis of bone and other tissues in vitro and in vivo. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res, 52, 66–76, 2000.