A short description is given of the living and sanitary conditions prevailing in the village of Laulii, Western Samoa, and of the physical health of the villagers. Of 210 specimens of faeces examined for the presence of helminthic infections, 59.0 per cent. were positive for helminths generally, Ancylostoma 15.7 per cent., Ascaris 31.4 per cent., Trichuris 31.9 per cent., Strongyloides 2.9 per cent. Examinations for protozoa numbered 168, protozoal cysts were found in 18.5 per cent. The incidence of occurrence of individual species was E. histolytica 4.2 per cent., E. coli 11.9 per cent., E. nana 1.2 per cent., I. bütschlii 1.2 per cent.