Spin correlation in the frustrated antiferromagnetMnS2above the Néel temperature

Spin correlations in the antiferromagnet MnS2 based on an inherently frustrated face-centered-cubic lattice have been investigated by quasielastic neutron scattering above the Néel temperature. The diffuse scattering above TN is centered at an incommensurate position k=(1,ky,0) and is temperature dependent. The component ky increases continuously from ky=0.40 at T=115 K to ky=0.44 at a temperature just above TN=48.2 K. At TN, a first-order phase transition takes place and ky jumps abruptly to the commensurate value ky=1/2. The ratio of the correlation lengths along and perpendicular to the incommensurate modulation is very close to unity at TN. The spatial correlations extend only over little more than one unit cell (ξ=8 Å) even just above TN. The inverse time correlation increases continuously with temperature from 0.16 THz at TN up to 2.9 THz at 150 K, the highest temperature investigated. Mean-field calculations of the diffuse scattering in a framework of a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with exchange up to the fourth neighbors agree reasonably well with the experimental data. However, such calculations fail to explain the centering of the diffuse scattering at the incommensurate wave vector.