The preparation and properties of ergothioneine disulphide

Ergothioneine can be oxidized slowly to the disulfide form by O2 in the presence of Cu and in strongly acid solution but not in neutral or alkaline solution. The rate of oxidation can be followed spectrophotometrically. Ergothioneine is rapidly oxidized to the disulfide form by the equivalent amount of H2O2 in strongly acid solution in the absence of Cu. This oxidation is reversible. Cysteine or reduced glutathione causes immediate reduction. Ergothioneine disulfide dihydrochloride was isolated, m.p. 198-200[degree]. It is stable when dry or in strongly acid solution. It is unstable in water or in alkaline solution. Its properties are described. A paper-chromatographic technique is given for the separation and detection of the reduced and oxidized forms of ergothioneine, cysteine and glutathione. Mixed disulfides of ergothioneine with cysteine and glutathione were prepared.