Neutron scattering, magnetization, and Mössbauer measurements onEuPd2Si2with enrichedEu153isotopes

We report the measurement of the dynamic magnetic susceptibility of an intermediate-valence Eu compound in inelastic neutron scattering experiments, namely, on a sample of EuPd2 Si2 with enriched Eu153. The most remarkable feature is an increase of the quasielastic linewidth with decreasing temperature, which is apparently a consequence of the well-known temperature-driven valence change. Moreover, at low temperatures a strong inelastic line is observed, which is interpreted as a multiplet transition within the Eu3+ configuration (J=0→J=1). To check the quality of the sample, additional Mössbauer and magnetization measurements were performed. From these we conclude a fraction of approximately 6% of the so-called ‘‘satellite’’ phase in our sample, which is ferromagnetic at low temperatures and whose effects can be separated consistently out of all of our data.