A method is presented for extracting from the differential cross section for the (e, Ne) reaction the differential cross section for the corresponding (γ, N) reaction. Here N refers to a nuclear particle of spin 0 or ½. This method is developed for arbitrary multipoles, thus extending the result given by Bosco and Fubini for E1 transitions. A model is used in which the ejected nuclear particle moves initially in a potential well provided by a nuclear core, and has a definite total angular momentum. The electrodisintegration process is considered to take place in such a fashion that the nuclear core is in the same state initially and finally. The electron is treated in Born approximation. In addition to the results for arbitrary multipoles, the interference of the E1 term with E0, M1, and E2 terms is studied in detail. Both the differential cross section in outgoing electron and nuclear particle directions, as well as that pertaining to the angular distribution of the latter particle alone, are given. Lastly, the case of a pure M1 transition is considered.